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podivnosti na úpčtu

stř 24. čer 2015 6:59:19

dneska mi na email přišlo tohle to , co to znamená? a co mám dělat abych to napravil?

Dear email neprozradím

Your PayPal account has been limited because recently there's been activity in your PayPal account that seems unusual compared to your normal account activities.
Please log in to PayPal to confirm your identity.

Log In to PayPal

After we receive and review your identity information, we'll email you regarding the status of your PayPal account.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Copyright 1999- 2015 PayPal. All rights reserved. Consumer advisory- PayPal Pte. Ltd.,
the holder of PayPal stored value facility, does not require the approval of the Monetary
Authority of Singapore. Users are advised to read the terms and conditions carefully.

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Re: podivnosti na úpčtu

stř 24. čer 2015 10:20:07

dneska mi na email přišlo tohle to , co to znamená? a co mám dělat abych to napravil?

Dear email neprozradím

Your PayPal account has been limited because recently there's been activity in your PayPal account that seems unusual compared to your normal account activities.
Please log in to PayPal to confirm your identity.

Log In to PayPal

After we receive and review your identity information, we'll email you regarding the status of your PayPal account.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Copyright 1999- 2015 PayPal. All rights reserved. Consumer advisory- PayPal Pte. Ltd.,
the holder of PayPal stored value facility, does not require the approval of the Monetary
Authority of Singapore. Users are advised to read the terms and conditions carefully.

No vypadá to jako fake email :D Pošli adresu odkud to je :D

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Re: podivnosti na úpčtu

stř 24. čer 2015 10:53:13

Adresa nic nerekne. Podivej se do hlavicky emailu a bude tam IP odesilatele. Z IP se da vycist, odkud to poslali. A jestli je to pravda a prislo to z PayPal, tak i po prihlaseni do nej by se ti upozorneni melo ukazat a dokonce i navrh na vyreseni problemu.

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Re: podivnosti na úpčtu

stř 24. čer 2015 12:38:17

email je od [email protected] <[email protected]>

Po příhlášení na paypalu se mi nikde nic neukazuje , žádné várování , žádné hlášení o tomto prostě nic.

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