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Crypto Raptor Ltd -

Napsal: pon 18. kvě 2020 18:29:01
od newpt
I'm not admin/owner!
Start: May, 18 2020

Crypto Raptor Ltd
If you already know about the benefits of earning on the Crypto multicurrency market, we are pleased to present you a unique investment offer from Crypto Raptor Ltd, the company from London, UK! An integrated approach to the implementation of trade allows our traders to create the best and most comfortable conditions for investors. Cooperation with the company is absolutely safe because our trading experts adhere to strict principles of management of money and risk. We will never jeopardize your money and always have the insurance in the form of a reserve fund which is more than 50% of the total investment. Whatever happens, in the development of any adverse scenario of our trading activities you can be confident in the safety of your funds.

Years of practice and extensive market knowledge led the team of Crypto Raptor Ltd to create its own sterling trading strategy. Our activity on the Crypto market is quite popular among traders on the most advanced trading platforms. All brokers with whom we work are licensed and this fact certainly minimizes any non-trading risks. In addition, we adhere to the principles of broad diversification and the use not only of different Forex brokers but also the various trading tools and currency pairs. This guarantees you a steady income and safety of our operations.

In 2020, the company decided to attract the working capital in the international market of financial investments. If you want to join us to consistently earn over a long time period all you need is just to register on our website and make a deposit with a minimum restriction of only 20$. Minimum withdrawal request is 1$. Use the possibilities of the company and earn on a daily basis or get tangible profits after the end of investment period.

For those investors who wish to earn more by promoting financial service of Crypto Raptor Ltd we offer fair and transparent conditions of the affiliate program. Get 5% of each deposit of your referral! Never before earning was not so easy and affordable!

Bonus offer!

Investment plans:

10% Daily For 20 Days
120% After 1 Day or 5% Hourly For 24 Hours
180% After 3 Days or 2.5% Hourly For 72 Hours
240% After 5 Days or 2% Hourly For 120 Hours


10% Daily For 20 Days
Plan Spent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%)
Plan 1 $20.00 - $5000.00 10.00

120% After 1 Day / 5% Hourly For 24 Hours
Plan Spent Amount ($) Hourly Profit (%)
Plan 1 $25.00 - $50.00 4.50
Plan 2 $51.00 - $100.00 4.70
Plan 3 $101.00 - $1000.00 5.00

180% After 3 Days / 2.5% Hourly For 72 Hours
Plan Spent Amount ($) Hourly Profit (%)
Plan 1 $50.00 - $100.00 2.20
Plan 2 $101.00 - $250.00 2.30
Plan 3 $251.00 - $2500.00 2.50

240% After 5 Days / 2% Hourly For 120 Hours
Plan Spent Amount ($) Hourly Profit (%)
Plan 1 $100.00 - $250.00 1.70
Plan 2 $251.00 - $500.00 1.80
Plan 3 $501.00 - $5000.00 2.00

Min deposit: 20$

Min withdrawal: 1$

Refferal: 5%

Pay. systems: Perfect Money, Payeer, Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum

Gold Coders Script

SSL Certificate resolves to
Server Type: cloudflare
The certificate should be trusted by all major web browsers (all the correct intermediate certificates are installed).
The hostname ( is correctly listed in the certificate.

DDOS Protection

Updated Date  2020-05-12T09:41:37.0Z
Creation Date  2020-05-07T09:34:11.0Z
Registry Expiry Date  2021-05-07T23:59:59.0Z
Cloudflare, Inc.
Location: San Francisco, CA, US

Check and register

Operation date: 18 May 2020 18:23
Operation ID: 1031960751
Operation type: transfer
Status: success
Debited: 100.00 $
Credited: 100.00 $

Instant withdrawal
+ 1.00 USD
Date: 18 May 2020 18:32
ID: 1031969172
Details: anonim → P59698**
Amount: 1.00 USD
Comment: Withdraw from Crypto Raptor Ltd

Re: Crypto Raptor Ltd -

Napsal: sob 30. kvě 2020 22:02:37
od newpt
Still trying to increase dignity using large font!


- surprised?
- not

- liar and thief, why me?

- have your friend contacted admin?
- as I see you/your frind must be my ref.,  login: johny23 in payeer screenshot and me as upline in screenshot from account
- made a request to support of cryptoraptor, if I will have no answer or it will be slurred answer, I'll admit that you are right about this site
- you are the only one who have had problems with it

but it’s not worth going over to personalities with such loud statements


Stále se pokoušíte zvýšit důstojnost pomocí velkého písma!


- překvapen?
- ne

- lhář a zloděj, proč já?

- kontaktoval váš přítel admin?
- jak tě vidím / tvá frind musí být moje ref., login: johny23 in screenshot payeer a já jako upline na screenshot z účtu
- podal žádost o podporu kryptoraptoru, pokud nebudu mít žádnou odpověď nebo bude to nezřetelná odpověď, připustím, že máte na tomto webu pravdu
- jsi jediný, kdo s tím měl problémy

ale nestojí za to jít k osobnostem s takovými hlasitými prohlášeními

Re: Crypto Raptor Ltd -

Napsal: ned 31. kvě 2020 0:39:15
od kolomanko
You send here payment proof - i wrote scam and you told no. What i can thing about you? Maybe you are owner or......??? And yes was written on support - only spiel about controling account blablabla etc.....and account deleted. Well if you claim this is a legit site, arrange a refund deposit for my friend. Now say something bro.

Re: Crypto Raptor Ltd -

Napsal: ned 31. kvě 2020 8:41:38
od newpt
I have nothing to do with the project administration

in most projects I participate as an advertiser, promotion in social services. networks, etc. naturally having a deposit for the possibility of providing data on whether the project pays + referral deductions

having a large number of referrals, I want to note that before you did not receive such statements, the project worked flawlessly

finally constructive dialogue
without charge and other

for my part, I’ll say that your negative attitude looked like personal revenge for some reason
thanks for the screenshots, I saw at least something about it

made a detailed request to support of cryptoraptor, if I will have no answer during 24 hours or it will be slurred answer, I'll admit that you are right about this site

you will be the first to know the result


S administrací projektu nemám nic společného

na většině projektů se podílím jako inzerent, propagace v sociálních službách. sítě atd. samozřejmě s vkladem za možnost poskytnutí údajů o tom, zda projekt platí + srážky za doporučení

s velkým počtem doporučení, chci poznamenat, že dříve, než jste taková prohlášení neobdrželi, projekt fungoval bezchybně

konečně konstruktivní dialog
bez poplatku a další

z mé strany řeknu, že váš negativní postoj vypadal z nějakého důvodu jako osobní pomsta
díky za snímky, viděl jsem o tom alespoň něco

podal podrobnou žádost o podporu kryptoraptoru, pokud nebudu mít odpověď do 24 hodin nebo bude to nezřetelná odpověď, připustím, že máte na tomto webu pravdu

budete první, kdo zná výsledek

Re: Crypto Raptor Ltd -

Napsal: úte 02. čer 2020 7:27:48
od newpt
Reply from Crypto Raptor
Seems like all clear

Thank you for contacting us

Sorry to say but yes, such a case was
Account johny23 was frozen, reason: multi-account (johny23, koloman25, 
koloman etc....)
Same IP, moreover tried to make deposit using email 
when was logged as johny23
All our attempts to contact to clarify the circumstances have led to 

All fraud accounts was deleted after we have found negative/spam votes 
on forums from this person
Reason: "Don't post bad vote on Public Forums and at Gold Rating Site 
without contacting the administrator of our program FIRST. Maybe there 
was a technical problem with your transaction, so please always CLEAR 
the thing with the administrator."

Please pay attention to the person’s login on the forum and the mail 
indicated a little higher
There was no friend making a deposit and there was no cheating on our 
It is one and the same person, multi-accounts, fraudulent activity, 

Best Regards

Crypto Raptor Ltd
Děkujeme, že jste nás kontaktovali

Je mi líto, ale ano, takový případ byl
Účet johny23 byl zmrazen, důvod: multi-účet (johny23, koloman25,
koloman atd ....)
Stejná IP se navíc pokusila provést vklad pomocí e-mailu
když byl zaznamenán jako johny23
Všechny naše pokusy kontaktovat objasnit okolnosti vedly k

Všechny podvodné účty byly smazány poté, co jsme našli záporné / nevyžádané hlasy
na fórech od této osoby
Důvod: „Nezveřejňujte špatné hlasování na veřejných fórech a na Gold Rating Site
bez kontaktování správce našeho programu PRVNÍ. Možná tam
byl s vaší transakcí technický problém, proto prosím vždy VYMAZEJTE
věc s administrátorem. “

Věnujte prosím pozornost přihlášení osoby na fóru a e-mailu
naznačil trochu vyšší
Nebyl tam žádný přítel, který by vkladal a na nás nebylo podvádění
Je to jedna a tatáž osoba, více účtů, podvodná činnost,

S pozdravem

Crypto Raptor Ltd

Re: Crypto Raptor Ltd -

Napsal: úte 02. čer 2020 8:19:25
od hi_investor
got paid very fast as always
thnx admin

$21.10 has been successfully sent to your Payeer account. Transaction batch is 1045474148.
Crypto Raptor Ltd

Status: Confirmed
Date: 2020-06-02
Total Input: 0,0041795 BTC
Value when transacted: $42,29

Re: Crypto Raptor Ltd -

Napsal: úte 02. čer 2020 10:13:47
od newpt
Paying as usual

+ 22.81 USD
Date: 02 Jun 2020 11:06
ID: 1045552274
Status: success
Amount: 22.81 USD
Comment: Withdraw from Crypto Raptor Ltd

Thanks Admin

Re: Crypto Raptor Ltd -

Napsal: úte 02. čer 2020 15:57:42
od hi_investor
next one very fast payment recieved
thnx admin

Status: Confirmed
Date: 2020-06-02
Total Input: 0,0015246 BTC
Value when transacted: $15,50

Re: Crypto Raptor Ltd -

Napsal: úte 02. čer 2020 21:16:40
od newpt
+ 2.91 USD
Date: 02 Jun 2020 22:13
ID: P1021492477
Status: success
Amount: 2.91 USD
Comment: Withdraw from Crypto Raptor Ltd

Re: Crypto Raptor Ltd -

Napsal: stř 03. čer 2020 7:44:22
od newpt
Paying as usual

+ 10.00 USD
Date: 03 Jun 2020 08:40
ID: 1046426410
Status: success
Amount: 10.00 USD
Comment: Withdraw from Crypto Raptor Ltd

Thanks Admin

Re: Crypto Raptor Ltd -

Napsal: stř 03. čer 2020 12:02:54
od hi_investor
got paid very fast as always
thnx admin

$9.00 has been successfully sent to your Payeer account. Transaction batch is 1046603236.
Crypto Raptor Ltd

Status: Confirmed
Date: 2020-06-03
Total Input: 0,0016449 BTC
Value when transacted: $15,68