rozjizdi se projekt nove platebni metody - Initiative Q. Bude pouzivat svou vlastni měnu - Q. Nyni se snazi dostat do povedomi lidi, proto akce s rozdavanim Q. Ziskate je za registraci, stahnuti appky a pozvani dalsich lidi (nemusite pozvat nikoho, neni to podminka, max je 5 lidi). Aplikace je jak pro iOS tak i pro android. Pro registraci potrebujete jen jmeno a email. Zadna vstuppni investice neni nutna. Jejich cilem je dostat Q na hodnotu cca 1$, Celkem je ted mozno ziskat pres 12000 Q. Webove stranky obsahuji dost dalsich informaci o projektu. Registrovat se muzete jen pres pozvani od uz registrovane osoby. Tady je registracni link (2 jsem pozval, zbyvaji mi jeste 3 lidi do limitu 5). Link je platny 14 dni nebo do vycerpani limitu 5 osob.
Initiative Q is an attempt by ex-PayPal guys to create a new payment system instead of payment cards that were designed in the 1950s. The system uses its own currency, the Q, and to get people to start using the system once it's ready they are allocating Qs for free to people that sign up now (the amount drops as more people join - so better to join early). Signing up is free and they only ask for your name and an email address. There's nothing to lose but if this payment system becomes a world leading payment method your Qs can be worth a lot. If you missed getting bitcoin seven years ago, you wouldn't want to miss this.