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Příspěvky: 1012
Registrován: úte 14. srp 2018 11:42:22
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PAYOUT CASH:  1 503,40
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Zolix-fund -

čtv 16. srp 2018 9:58:12

I'm not admin/owner!
Start: 2018 August, 15


About is an investment firm that was established by combining the capital of several business partners with extensive experience in this field. Founders of the company pursued the goal of creating a fully independent investment organization that would implement high-yielding projects in the sphere of stocks, asset management, at the highest professional level. Over quite a long period of company active presence in the market, our specialists have implemented a number of highly profitable projects in the sphere of consolidating large stocks of shares, selling stocks and asset management. The company has obtained all the licenses of a professional securities market operator, under which our program has the right to carry out brokerage activities, as well as provide asset management services.

Investment plan:

30% Hourly For 5 Hours
155% After 1 Day
133% After 1 Hour

Min./Max. deposit: 10$/10,000$
Refferal: 5%

Pay. systems: Perfect Money, Payeer, Bitcoin

SSL Certificate 

DDOS Protection

Check and register

Payment recieved
08.15.2018, 16:34
Batch: 224788981
Received Payment 1.80 USD from
Memo: Withdrawal to
Naposledy upravil(a) newpt dne čtv 16. srp 2018 10:00:13.

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Moderátor fóra
Příspěvky: 889
Registrován: ned 31. bře 2013 11:24:48
Poděkování: 2 | 1
PAYOUT CASH:  -1 149,00
Hodnocení: 0

Re: Zolix-fund -  

čtv 06. zář 2018 22:44:09

Toto téma bylo označeno jako SCAM!


Uživatelský avatar
Příspěvky: 443
Registrován: úte 09. srp 2016 9:49:30
Bydliště: Brno
Poděkování: 2 | 6
PAYOUT CASH:  515,91
Hodnocení: 0

Re: Zolix-fund -

ned 10. kvě 2020 15:45:10

Uživatelský avatar
- Why do you keep putting a tip on alysdax everywhere on other topics that have long been labeled SCAM? What does this mean?
The theme of alysdax is here, created by
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  - Proč pořád všude dáváš tip na alysdax do jiných témat, které jsou už označena dávno jako SCAM ? Co to má jako za význam ?
Téma alysdax tu je,vytvořeno
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