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Příspěvky: 1012
Registrován: úte 14. srp 2018 11:42:22
Poděkování: 0 | 1
PAYOUT CASH:  1 503,40
Hodnocení: 0

Very-lucky -

stř 15. srp 2018 3:57:41

I'm not admin/owner!
Start: 2018 August, 14


About is an online investment platform which was developed to capitalize on the Cryptocurrency market. The main aim of the is to be able to create a fine network and an understanding support with the help of which you can get the best guide and data required so exchange spills don't occur and there is complete security for the trading that you engage in.

Investment plan:

45% - 45% - 50% HOURS

Min./Max. deposit: 10$/10,000$
Refferal: 5%

Pay. systems: Perfect Money, Payeer, Bitcoin

SSL Certificate 

DDOS Protection

Check and register

Payment recieved
16:38 14.08.18
Batch: 224676516
Received Payment 1.70 USD from
Memo: Withdrawal to
Naposledy upravil(a) newpt dne stř 15. srp 2018 3:58:25.

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Moderátor fóra
Příspěvky: 889
Registrován: ned 31. bře 2013 11:24:48
Poděkování: 2 | 1
PAYOUT CASH:  -1 133,00
Hodnocení: 0

Re: Very-lucky -  

úte 04. zář 2018 22:37:16

Toto téma bylo označeno jako SCAM!


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