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ned 25. srp 2013 19:02:06


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Plan 1 $5 - $500 1.70
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Plan 3 $1,001 - $3,500 2.40
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Plan 3 $1,001 - $3,500 1.60
Plan 4 $3,501 - $10,000 2.00

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Plan 1 $5 - $1,500 0.10

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Re: Prosperhourly

úte 27. srp 2013 10:06:44

platba na Pazya
Payment Details

Date: August 27, 2013 3:49:48 AM
Amount Sent: $5.82 USD
Sender Name: Nirmila Varshney
Sender Email: [email protected]

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Re: Prosperhourly

úte 27. srp 2013 16:37:57

O co tam přesně jde? nák to nechápu :D

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Re: Prosperhourly

úte 27. srp 2013 19:27:07

nejak nechapem, comu nechapes :D

1. Vyberies si jeden z planov (na 27, 72, 120 alebo 300 hodin)
2. Podla toho kolko vlozis, mas zisk. Cize napr. vyberies 72 hodinovy plan, vlozis 10 USD (takze je to v tomto pripade plan 1 - od 5 do 500 USD), tak mas kazdu hodinu pripisanu na ucet ciastku 1,7% vkladu, cize 0,17 USD. A trva to cele 72 hodin. Proste cim viac vlozis, tym vyssie % profitu.
3. Vyberat na svoju penazenku mozes kedykolvek, nemusis cakat, az uplynie 72 hodin.
Kapito? ;)

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Re: Prosperhourly

stř 28. srp 2013 0:12:46

Date: August 27, 2013 6:04:06 PM
Amount Sent: $2.92 USD
Sender Name: Nirmila Varshney
Sender Email: [email protected]

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Re: Prosperhourly

stř 28. srp 2013 11:56:02

davam tej stranke max. 5 dni ...vyzera to ako gesmie asi isty zakladatel :)

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Re: Prosperhourly

stř 28. srp 2013 18:52:47

Payza instant
Payment Details

Date: August 28, 2013 12:47:05 PM
Amount Sent: $3.14 USD
Sender Name: Soni Kinnariben
Sender Email: [email protected]

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