Another good day all around, with a nice return, and also some small improvements to the Poker By Proxy website. First and foremost, we have added our Twitter account to our contact page. Follow us on Twitter to stay up to date with all of our news and updates. In addition to that, we have added a contact number to our contact us page, which can be used to reach us via SMS. You can now contact us via text message, anytime, anywhere.
For those members who are earning using our referral program, you'll be happy to learn that we've introduced additional banner advertisements. Check our the referral page to see our new promotional materials. We will also be creating some offline marketing materials in the near future.
As for the profits, the result for today is 2.5%. The majority of this was earned during a two hour run at PokerStars Zoom poker. Out of all of the strategies we've tried so far, Zoom Poker still seems to be the most profitable, that is, except for live tournaments. Our next scheduled live casino visit will be on October 26th-29th. All accounts have been updated with today's result.
October 17th - Profit of 2.50%

Nově je možnost kontakt teamu skrz SMS! (záložka Contact Us)
Další plánované live casino bude October 26th-29th.
Nezapomeňte na to, že při první návštěvě live-casina byl denní profit 7,2% !!!

A to jen tak někde nemáte.
Těm, kdo se rozhodnout investovat, přeji hodně štěstí.