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Registrován: ned 22. zář 2013 14:52:52
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Poker By Proxy -

ned 22. zář 2013 15:05:17

START: 4.9. 2013

Velmi pěkný design webu.

Profesionální pokerový tým nabízí zhodnocení našich investic díky hraní na nejrůznějších online i živých turnajech.

Nejbližší live tour jsou:
Latin American Poker Tour - 18. -22. zaří - Panama City, Panama
European Poker Tour - 2. - 10. října - London, England
October 26th-29th - Next live casino

Denní výnosy se liší, v rozmezí -5% až +5%
Každý den jsou v backoffice reporty ohledně úspěšnosti a procentuální profit.
20.9.2013 - profit 2.25%
21.9.2013 - profit 1.85%
--> viz příspěvky

DDOS Protection

Pro nejnovější updaty sledujte jejich Twitter

Min. Investment $25 - Max $200,000

Mnoho platebních procesorů
:arrow: Perfect Money $25 - $50,000
:arrow: Bitcoin 0.01 btc - 100 btc
:arrow: Solid Trust Pay $25 - $9,999
:arrow: HD-Money $25 - $50,000
:arrow: Egopay $25 - $50,000
:arrow: Paypal $25 - $5,000
:arrow: Bank Wire $500 - $50,000
:arrow: Western Union $250 - $9,999
:arrow: Interac E-transfer $250 - $3,000

Referral: 10% z denního zisku

Naposledy upravil(a) Naxxar26 dne pát 18. říj 2013 21:29:46.

Autor tematu
Příspěvky: 43
Registrován: ned 22. zář 2013 14:52:52
Poděkování: 0 | 0
Hodnocení: 0

Re: Poker By Proxy -

stř 16. říj 2013 22:23:13

Yesterday we mentioned that we would be introducing Twitter, and today I'm happy to announce that the official Poker By Proxy Twitter account has been created. Please follow us on Twitter to keep up to date with everything related to Poker By Proxy. Our page can be found at:

In terms of profits, we had another good day at the tables today, with an overall profit of 2.16%. Due to the rapidly increasing amount of investments in our program, we have been testing out new strategies at the tables, including switching over to some higher limit tables to see how we perform. Today was the first day that we participated in sit and go tournaments where the buy-in was in the thousands of dollars. Much to our delight, the outcome was the same as when we play in the lower level tournaments. We are also just days away from adding new members to our team to help ease the burden on our current players.

All accounts have been updated with today's result.

October 16th - Profit of 2.16% :D

Zde je slíbený jejich Twitter účet, kde budou zveřejňovány novinky kolem projektu .
Pravděpodobně tento týden by měli přibýt 2 nový hračí do jejich teamu, čili celkem jich bude 6.
Jestli se chystáte investovat, nyní je vhodná doba :-)

Autor tematu
Příspěvky: 43
Registrován: ned 22. zář 2013 14:52:52
Poděkování: 0 | 0
Hodnocení: 0

Re: Poker By Proxy -

čtv 17. říj 2013 22:25:01

Another good day all around, with a nice return, and also some small improvements to the Poker By Proxy website. First and foremost, we have added our Twitter account to our contact page. Follow us on Twitter to stay up to date with all of our news and updates. In addition to that, we have added a contact number to our contact us page, which can be used to reach us via SMS. You can now contact us via text message, anytime, anywhere.

For those members who are earning using our referral program, you'll be happy to learn that we've introduced additional banner advertisements. Check our the referral page to see our new promotional materials. We will also be creating some offline marketing materials in the near future.

As for the profits, the result for today is 2.5%. The majority of this was earned during a two hour run at PokerStars Zoom poker. Out of all of the strategies we've tried so far, Zoom Poker still seems to be the most profitable, that is, except for live tournaments. Our next scheduled live casino visit will be on October 26th-29th. All accounts have been updated with today's result.

October 17th - Profit of 2.50% :D

Nově je možnost kontakt teamu skrz SMS! (záložka Contact Us)

Další plánované live casino bude October 26th-29th.
Nezapomeňte na to, že při první návštěvě live-casina byl denní profit 7,2% !!! :-D A to jen tak někde nemáte.
Těm, kdo se rozhodnout investovat, přeji hodně štěstí.

Autor tematu
Příspěvky: 43
Registrován: ned 22. zář 2013 14:52:52
Poděkování: 0 | 0
Hodnocení: 0

Re: Poker By Proxy -

pát 18. říj 2013 21:22:52

After a long week, with a ton of hours at the poker tables, our team decided to take it easy today and give themselves a bit of a rest. They played for a much shorter period than usual to allow themselves a bit of time to relax and enjoy life. Seeing as everyone has been working so hard for the past few weeks, I also thought it was reasonable to give them a bit of a break. Anyway, the team ended up playing for a short while this morning and after the session, walked away from the tables with a result of 1.03%. Not bad, considering that the session was one of the shortest that they've done in a while.

In other news, our support team is currently working through all pending emails/support tickets and should get through all of them within the next few hours. If you have any questions, remember that we're always here to help. As for the poker team, we're just one week away from our next live meet up, which has everyone here at Poker By Proxy quite excited. Historically, our best returns have come from live games, and it's always a pleasure getting the team all together in one place. Anyway, all accounts have been updated with the result for the day. Enjoy your weekend.

October 18th - Profit of 1.03%

Dneska si dopřáli zasloužený odpočinek :-)


Due to the incredibly large number of Paypal deposits that we have been receiving, we have had to limit the number of new deposits that we can accept. We are currently working on establishing a deposit waiting list for those wishing to deposit via Paypal. Please check back in roughly 12 hours to learn more. If you would like to deposit immediately, please choose a different payment method.

Jde vidět, že se snaží :-)

Autor tematu
Příspěvky: 43
Registrován: ned 22. zář 2013 14:52:52
Poděkování: 0 | 0
Hodnocení: 0

Re: Poker By Proxy -

sob 19. říj 2013 20:29:06

After taking the majority of yesterday to rest, our team was eager to hit the tables today and come home with a nice profit. They started the day off at Poker Stars Zoom Poker, where they usually find the players loose and the wins easy. Today was no different, with the team being able to make a fairly good profit during a two hour session. We got quite lucky at one point, narrowly avoiding a potential bad beat, and luckily taking a rather large pot in the process.

Following the session with Zoom Poker, the team moved over to Party Poker to play some sit and go tournaments. For some reason, they always seem to have better luck at Party Poker when it comes to sit and go's. Anyway, in total, they played 12 sit and go tournaments, and ending up in the money in 8 of them. Not bad, considering there were a few 1st place wins among those. After lunch, the team played a few random cash games, before tallying up the winnings and calling it a day. The total profit from today's play was 3.2%. All accounts have been updated with today's result.

October 19th - Profit of 3.2% :-D

Paypal má nyní min. deposit 100 USD a trošku se změnily pravidla. Jestli hodláte investovat přes Paypal, tak tam nyní zadáte sumu a svůj PP email a zapíše Vás to tzv. Waiting listu a až se na Vás dostane řada, kontaktuje Vás Support team s instrukcemi. Teď by v tom měl být větší pořádek.

Ještě bych chtěl říci ,že od teď nabízím RB 50% tomu, kdo se podě mě registruje.

Přeji hezký víkend. :-)

Autor tematu
Příspěvky: 43
Registrován: ned 22. zář 2013 14:52:52
Poděkování: 0 | 0
Hodnocení: 0

Re: Poker By Proxy -

pon 21. říj 2013 15:56:52

Things started well today, with a few minor wins with the low limit sit and go tournaments, however things quickly took a turn for the worse, in one of the most brutal sessions that we've had in a while. One of our team members was playing at a relatively high limit table, and ended up in a three way show-down. He had a full house, JJJKK, and it looked like the hand would be a certain win (and quite a large win it would have been), however another player at the table ended up catching a 4 of a kind, taking the entire pot. The team then regrouped and was hoping to get us back in the green for the day, however we had no such luck. Despite playing for an additional 3 hours, the team hit a few more snags and didn't manage to turn things around and end up in the green. That said, they did manage to minimize the loss, resulting in a -2.95% return for the day. Rather than continuing, it was decided that it would be best to wait until tomorrow.

All accounts have been updated with today's result.

October 20th - Loss of 2.95%

Všem investorům bych chtěl říct, že musí počítat se ztrátami, jako je třeba tahle. Jak asi víte, peníze zhodnocují v pokru a ten je hodně rizikový. Může se vyskytnou třeba i 10 pozitivních dnů s celkovým ziskem 10% a poté je klidně můžete za dva dny ztratit (Zatím se to ale nestalo :-) ). Ale zhruba za ten měsíc co jsem v tomto programu mám otestované, že týdenní zisk se pohybuje kolem 5-15% a to za to stojí.

Autor tematu
Příspěvky: 43
Registrován: ned 22. zář 2013 14:52:52
Poděkování: 0 | 0
Hodnocení: 0

Re: Poker By Proxy -

pon 21. říj 2013 20:59:47

Our poker team was up early this morning, ready to make up for yesterday's lacklustre performance. Today's strategy was to focus on slow and steady profits, through a combination of regular cash games, combined with sit and go tournaments to keep things interesting. After playing for nearly 5 hours, the team has managed to generate a positive result of 2.8%, pretty much making up for yesterday's loss. Unlike yesterday, the only bad beat was in our favour, which is always a pleasant feeling. Sometimes the cards fall in your favour, and that was definitely the case today.

All accounts have been updated with today's result. Only a few days until our next live play meet up, which has everyone here excited. Later this week we'll be posting details, as well as pictures from the excursion.

October 21st - Profit of 2.8% :-D

Jak jsem říkal, bez problémů to dali dnes do původního stavu :-)
Jinak jak jste si mohli přečíst, za pár dní hodlají jít do live casina a nově postnou i podrobné detaily a obrázky z exkurze, takže už budeme mít jasný důkaz, že nám peníze zhodnocují opravdu skrz Poker :-) ! Jen tak dál..

Autor tematu
Příspěvky: 43
Registrován: ned 22. zář 2013 14:52:52
Poděkování: 0 | 0
Hodnocení: 0

Re: Poker By Proxy -

stř 23. říj 2013 17:18:08

So far it's shaping up to be a pretty good week, with another positive result to announce today. Today was the final trial day for our newest team member, and we are happy to say that he performed superbly, accounting for roughly 1/3rd of the day's result. By having a new member on our poker team, we'll be better able to handle the increasing number of deposits that we have been receiving, while being able to maintain the results that our member's have come to expect. We still have another two potential team members that are currently in the trial phase, who are working with our current team, with the hopes of eventually becoming full time Poker by Proxy team members.

As for the actual play today, it mainly consisted of sit and go cash games, plus a few multi-table tournaments (which usually aren't part of our usual strategy, though we decided to give them a try). The multi-table tournaments definitely have larger payouts, however they are generally more challenging to win and take more time. One of our new potential poker team members considers multi-table tournaments to be his speciality, therefore if he ends up passing our tests and becoming part of the team, he will likely play those exclusively. Anyway, after tallying up all of the wins (and the few losses), our result for the day was 3.02%. All accounts have been updated.

On an administrative note, I would like to remind users to occasionally check their internal customer support message box. Occasionally we send important messages to users through our internal system, as they are more secure than regular email.

October 22nd - Profit of 3.02%

Kachnam: Hodlají ho zveřejnit někdy tento týden, ale moc tomu nevěřím.

Jinak bych Váš chtěl na něco upozornit. Tento projekt je z největší pravděpodobností pod rukou známého scammera - Richarda O'neilla. V minulosti měl velice podobné projekty jako je tento - Přečtěte si např. o JP-daily, Pokerprofits, Investments96 ... Tento projekt se asi nejvíce podobá webu .. Co se týče zhodnocení Vašich peněz, tak někdo tvrdí, že to admin sází na online sázky, někdo že je to klasickej ponzi.. Touto zprávou bych Vás chtěl upozornit, abyste v projektu měli tolik peněz, kolik jste ochotni i ztratit. Podle všeho by tento program měl jet asi tak ještě měsíc, max. 2 a potom následuje jistý konec. Je to tedy pouze na Vás, co teď uděláte. Zisky jsou tu hezké, ale každý další den je risk. Já osobně tam nechám 1/10 své původní investice ...

Source : MMG

Příspěvky: 7
Registrován: sob 31. srp 2013 17:33:21
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Re: Poker By Proxy -

čtv 24. říj 2013 0:50:49

Přímo mi připadalo divné proč mají new paypal účet, dík za upozornění ;).

Autor tematu
Příspěvky: 43
Registrován: ned 22. zář 2013 14:52:52
Poděkování: 0 | 0
Hodnocení: 0

Re: Poker By Proxy -

úte 29. říj 2013 16:48:46

October 23th - Profit of 1.06%
October 24th - Profit of 2.01%
October 25th - Profit of 1.15%
October 26th - Profit of 3.04%
October 26th - Profit of 3.04%
October 28th - Loss of 2.9%

Po kratší přestávce se zase vracím k tomuto tématu. I přes mé upozornění samozřejmě můžete investovat, projekt stále jede a zisky jsou dobré. Odhaduji tomu ale tak 1-2 měsíce max. Je to pouze na Vás, jak se rozhodnete. Osobně ale doporučuji zvolit nějaký jiný HYIP, kterému můžete více důvěřovat - př. Topcapitalist, GCL, Solcash.. Investici máte u všech za 15 dní doma..

Příspěvky: 7
Registrován: sob 31. srp 2013 17:33:21
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Hodnocení: 0

Re: Poker By Proxy -

pát 29. lis 2013 20:17:01

Tak myslím že máme pomaličku problém ;) Co tak čtu tak pár lidi už čeká na peníze delší dobu.

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