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[PROBLEM] Coingeneration - 1$ denně - NYNÍ AUTOMATICKY

sob 11. kvě 2013 22:53:53

[center]CoinGeneration/ Digital Generation[/center]


Plati na - Payza and Perfect Money, BU, Egopay


Zde je návod na 1 program, který je důvěryhodný

Ke stažení zde

Napsal jsem jednoduchý program, který řeší denní zasílání "statistik" na DG server,
resp. simuluje zcela přesně akce, které provádí ThreadManager, avšak s menšími úpravami.

Protože mně nebaví kvůli jednomu dolaru mít zapnutý počítač celý den.
Akcionáři sice mají sve dividendy jisté, ale každý 1$ z vlákna navíc se taky hodí :)

Je to legální?
Není, ale je to jen morální zábrana. Pokud jsi poctivý/poctivá, nemá smysl číst dále ...

Chci to vyzkoušet, co mám udělat?
Ze všeho nejdřív přestaň používat ThreadManager, ideálni je ho rovnou odinstalovat.
Stáhni si DGMM - jedná se o jediný soubor, který není nutno instalovat.
Program je určen pro systémy Windows XP SP3, Vista, Windows 7 a Windows 8 (32/64)

Z DG profilu si zkopíruj tvoje ID a TOKEN, vlož je do programu.


Nyní stačí 1x denně stisknout tlačítko GO ... a snad se povede :)

Z jedné IP adresy doporučuju odesílat pouze statistiky jednoho DG účtu, v opačném případě hrozí BAN!
Jak dlouho bude tento program fungovat, nevím... takže dojte, dokud to jde ;)

Nutno mít vlákno, jinak vám to bude odečítat peníze

Naposledy upravil(a) Legend dne ned 23. úno 2014 15:22:12.

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Re: Coingeneration/Digital generation---1$ denně

stř 29. led 2014 10:26:21

Ale uz jim neverim, abych do toho daval dalsi prachy ...

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Re: Coingeneration/Digital generation---1$ denně

stř 29. led 2014 12:35:51

Nebavi me ty jejich kecy ani cist..

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Re: Coingeneration/Digital generation---1$ denně

stř 29. led 2014 12:40:21

Uz sem jim napsal, at pridsaj moznost smazat ucet.. to bude asi nejrozumejsi :)

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Re: Coingeneration/Digital generation---1$ denně

stř 29. led 2014 12:43:33

Nemá někdo zkušenost z převáděním peněz z Paxum na Paypal? Nikde nemůžu najít vhodnou směnárnu, tj. aby mi nesebrali půlku na poplatkách :evil: - Podpůrné stránky projektu Wor(l)d GN - jak spolehlivě vydělávat na internetu...
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Re: Coingeneration/Digital generation---1$ denně

stř 29. led 2014 13:46:28

Tak velký projekt a je konec je to jasný. :(

TWISTO Registrace 300Kč zdarma: kód FRANTISEKF2
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Re: Coingeneration/Digital generation---1$ denně

stř 29. led 2014 19:53:21

Nove spravy od supportu z europa chatu ... Support nebol na chate 3 dni lebo nemali ziadne info od general admina... Platby pre founderov budu spustene zaroven so spustenim stranky dgstocks ( presne ako som sa domnieval, zrejme aby ludia hned aj mohli co to minut na obchodovanie ... Co dava zmysel ... Drzim palce nech sa im to podari a som ochotny potom zabudnut na ich preslapy...

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Re: Coingeneration/Digital generation---1$ denně

stř 29. led 2014 20:48:40

Je pravděpodobné, že tomuto projektu je konec. Každopádně mě DG nijak neublížilo :-), lituji těch kteří investovali a teď jsou v mínusu. Jinak bych možná ještě počkal s tím označením "Scam". Pořád nevíme co bude dál a třeba se to ještě změní (naděje umírá poslední že?) :-D.

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Re: Coingeneration/Digital generation---1$ denně

čtv 30. led 2014 6:48:08

Payments Update
In accordance with previous statement to consider changes of the current policies that were applied towards founders the management has decided to acknowledge the request with a positive decision. Payza has released the funds to us and we are awaiting for EgoPay to clarify the status of the reversed transactions (that appears to be in the middle of nowhere now) since this balance hasn't been updated on our account once restrictions towards DG account were applied by Payza. Thanks to your efforts the situation with frozen funds is being rectified and we shall start releasing payments to founders back again soon once all the missing balance is in place.

To meet the compliance requirements we are currently filing a suspicious activity report on all flagged transactions and will modify the present verification process within the next week. PayPal will be re-instated once we complete the integration of a 3-way user verification solution. The last few days were extremely hectic and we put our best efforts to deliver the liabilities.

As we may see from our stats the overall performance of the DG network hasn't been affected by the temporarily hold status of payments. It is a pleasure for us to know that despite all difficulties your willingness to support the project remains true. It was over 6 months we are attempting to recover from the summer's 2013 impact and are finally on the right track. You should be aware that our overall profits up to now are significantly less than amount of funds that was milked out by high risk counties and other non loyal members.

The community is as strong as the trust that relies between members and we are raising the required capital as of now to make your financial experience as enjoyable as before - DG will be paying no matter what you think now, period.

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Registrován: pon 13. led 2014 18:43:42
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Re: Coingeneration/Digital generation---1$ denně

čtv 30. led 2014 10:22:26

Payments Update
In accordance with previous statement to consider changes of the current policies that were applied towards founders the management has decided to acknowledge the request with a positive decision. Payza has released the funds to us and we are awaiting for EgoPay to clarify the status of the reversed transactions (that appears to be in the middle of nowhere now) since this balance hasn't been updated on our account once restrictions towards DG account were applied by Payza. Thanks to your efforts the situation with frozen funds is being rectified and we shall start releasing payments to founders back again soon once all the missing balance is in place.

To meet the compliance requirements we are currently filing a suspicious activity report on all flagged transactions and will modify the present verification process within the next week. PayPal will be re-instated once we complete the integration of a 3-way user verification solution. The last few days were extremely hectic and we put our best efforts to deliver the liabilities.

As we may see from our stats the overall performance of the DG network hasn't been affected by the temporarily hold status of payments. It is a pleasure for us to know that despite all difficulties your willingness to support the project remains true. It was over 6 months we are attempting to recover from the summer's 2013 impact and are finally on the right track. You should be aware that our overall profits up to now are significantly less than amount of funds that was milked out by high risk counties and other non loyal members.

The community is as strong as the trust that relies between members and we are raising the required capital as of now to make your financial experience as enjoyable as before - DG will be paying no matter what you think now, period.

Tak bylo by to sice fajn, kdyby výplaty obnovily. Nicméně si myslím, že pokud nesníží výši odměn za spuštěné PC, tak budou za pár dní zase na suchu... Asi by nikomu nevadilo, kdyby snížili výdělěk na vlákno třeba jen na 0,5$ za den, ale výplaty by fungovaly stabilně :roll: - Podpůrné stránky projektu Wor(l)d GN - jak spolehlivě vydělávat na internetu...
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Re: Coingeneration/Digital generation---1$ denně

čtv 30. led 2014 18:28:51

Začíná se vcyplácet :)

Uvidíme, jestli někdo bude mít štěstí

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